Ahsan Abbas Photography | Capturing your precious moments!

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7 Secrets to Better Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is an art form that requires patience, skill, and creativity. Here are some tips for creating stunning images.

Start with an idea.

Before you start shooting, think about what kind of portrait you'd like to capture. Is it a family photo? A wedding portrait? A senior portrait? Think about who you want to photograph and what you want them to look like.

Choose a location that's interesting.

You should also choose a location that has good lighting. If possible, try to find a place with natural light. This will make your subject look more relaxed and comfortable.

Find a good light source.

A flash can be used to add some extra light to your portrait, but it's not necessary. Instead, use a reflector to bounce light off of something else to illuminate your subject.

Focus on one thing at a time.

You should also avoid using too much light when taking pictures of people. If you do, you'll end up with an unflattering photo. Instead, focus on just one part of your subject's faceā€”for instance, his eyes, nose, mouth, or chin.

Don't forget about composition.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn't try to take photos of everyone at once. Instead, choose one person to photograph and then move on to the next. This will allow you to capture more natural expressions and poses.